“Ordinary people with extraordinary vision can redeem the soul of America by getting in what I call good trouble, necessary trouble,” - John Lewis
Competency 3: Analyze, Synthesize, and Solve
Curate a Comprehensive Information Set
Comparative Election Research is important because it provides public administrators with a global understanding of varying election procedures which in turn can create a better understanding of government/elector relationships. This presentation can later be used to increase voters’ civic participation and trust in the election processes. In my presentation, I provide a comprehensive overview of the history, electoral system, legal framework, voter registration procedures, and methods of maintaining election integrity for both Canada and Australia. This assignment could also be used for civic education initiatives because it provides a basic overview that is digestible for public consumption.
Present an Analysis for a Lay Audience
Federalism is an important, yet complex concept that essentially establishes the roles that we as public administrators have. During the Foundations of Public Administration course, I evaluated Federalism and applied its principles across various areas of public administration. Federalism is not a generally understood principle and can often be difficult for the average American to understand. This assignment allowed me to present an analysis of federalism in a report that would be comprehendible for the average American- on why the branches of government interact with one another in the manner that they do in scenarios that affect the day to day lives of Americans.